Helping student attend college since 1989
The Mitchell Community School Scholarship Foundation, a Dollars for Scholars of America organization, began in 1988, and was formally chartered in 1989. A group of individuals in the community had the vision and desire to assist Mitchell High School students attain their goals of post secondary education. These individuals chartered the organization through Dollars for Scholars of America, developed a set of by-laws, attained funding through donations and assisted the administration of the school corporation in making award decisions. Today, 32 years later, the foundation is still chartered as a Dollars for Scholars of America organization, it is managed by a 21 member board consisting of volunteers from the community and school corporation. All scholarships are funded through the generosity of families, businesses and organizations that have an affiliation with Mitchell. The foundation manages approximately 20 permanent endowments in conjunction with the Community Foundation Partnership. The endowments have a minimum investment of $25,000 and annual scholarships are disbursed from earnings on the principle investment. Because the principle is not disbursed, the legacy of the donor is perpetuated. The group also manages approximately 30 "pass through" accounts. These funds are provided by donors on an annual basis and all funds donated are disbursed in scholarships that year. In the last 4 years, the foundation has disbursed just over 411,753.00 to graduating Mitchell High School seniors planning to attend college. In 2021, the foundation will disburse $117,209.39 in 74 total scholarships.